hey all here is a little review of a new tape that i got from good ol' Fred.
its good stuff.  the first side is DJ Rush.  it is actually quite a bit
different from his "Relentless" tape.  that one was banging acid techno.
this is more of the chicago jacking style.  starts off with a nice disco
track that makes you think he is doing a house set and then BAM! is onto the
chicago sound.  a great mix with tons of songs that i havn't heard before.
there isn't one disappointment on his side except for the 8 second streach
of him just spinning a record backwards.  it just overpowers the song that
was playing  and i really can't figure out why he was doing it.  On the
second side is DJ Rees Urban.  don't know who this guy is, but i want to
know after hearing his mix.  it is a high energy mix and everything is
clean.  not as fast as jeff mills or claude young, but fast.  i am hoping
someone has some info on him.  maybe it is another one of DJ Rush's many
aliases??  the european booking numbers are the same for both rush and rees
urban.  But in chicago they put alot of dual mixes on tapes, so who know?
who can provide me with info???
all in all a great mix tape.  thanks for the tape Fred.  all my e-mail addys
got lost and it has been hard for me to get all my mail in from the list, so
feel free to e-mail me in private.

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