Umm, while you may very well deserve your opinion, sometimes it's best kept
to yourself.

Alan used to post on this list quite frequently, and I am personally sad
that he no longer does, since it was great to be able to talk to an original
313'er with tonnes of history behind him.  The man knows what he's talking
about and gives tonnes of respect where it is deserved.  Something some of
us lack a great deal of.

Have some respect and even if you have none then shut the f*ck up!
----- Original Message -----
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: [313] JEFF MILLS-MARCH 1

> > Re: the ongoing debate about Jeff's mixing skills, he is one of the most
> > innovative electronic music talents of the 20th Century. Until you all
> > an entire sub-genre of techno music (lock-grooved, loop techno) and a
host of
> > imitators, you need to keep your criticisms to yourselves.
> err, no i don't.
> see, that's the whole thing about opinions.  each person's is as valid as
> the next, be they innovator, inventor, or first-time listener.
> Ever been to a movie you didn't like?  Better yet, ever seen a movie
> billed as "innovative" or "a classic" that you didn't like?  I highly
> doubt you've directed a feature-length motion picutre which has recieved
> national distribution. Yet I bet you'd feel free (as a bird) to voice your
> opinion if you thought a movie was crap.
> The whole idea of having to pay some sort of unattainable dues before
> you're entitled to voice any sort of criticism is ridiculous. You may be
> ALAN OLDHAM, but your position as a figure of some importance in the
> detroit scene doesn't place your opinion above any of ours.  if you'd like
> to start a dialogue where we discuss Jeff Mills's current performances in
> relation to his past works, I'll be more than glad to participate.  But
> hovering in the background and coming out to tell us all to shut up just
> doesn't work.
> chris
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