In a message dated 2/3/01 7:41:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< >]Until you all invent an entire sub-genre of techno music
>](lock-grooved, loop techno) and a host of
>]imitators, you need to keep your criticisms to yourselves.

ummn, I'll take hypocrisy for $1, anyone?

>]Until you all invent an entire sub-genre of techno music
>](lock-grooved, loop techno) and a host of
>]imitators, you need to keep your criticisms to yourselves.

ummn, I'll take hypocrisy for $1, anyone?

oh cause you're saying that Alan has not done this himself.

I really have to agree with the person who said that the caliber of a 
person's criticism will tell you about what they know or where they're coming 

Yeah I guess you are right, what's the sense in name-dropping??? Just cause 
you know someone doesn't make your claims anymore valid. There are a lot of 
stupid people with positions. We saw that with the Jazz documentary.

So if I want to validate myself in the Jazz world, I shoud mention the fact 
that I know Ken Burns??? even though his piece was sorry and lacked???

Wynton is the highest paid jazz musician but he actually hates jazz, so what 
does it mean that Alan knows people in the media industry??? Someone here who 
critiqued Mr. Mills might know him.


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