almost as bad... i thought i mixed the perfect mix but when i listened to it i had computer glitch stutters in the file from not defragmenting my hard drive. my own sense of patience stopped the computer from flying out the window .

Subject: [313] I need to vent for a moment...
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 10:17:41 -0500

/rant on;

DJ's and Producers: Have you ever lost that "perfect" mix or track to
something stoopid? Yes? Lemme tell you what happened last night:

I was recording my new mix CD on my main PC. It took 4 bad starts to get
into the groove, the 5 time was beautiful. My minimal techno grooves fit
together, I mixed 3 confusing Terrance Dixon tracks in a row perfectly.
Electro tracks were bangin; hell, just for kicks I dropped an old NWA track
into the mix followed by some DJ Unknown. Ghetto Tech, followed by 2 or 3
house tracks  and finishing up with 2 Rob Hood and 2 Jeff Mills tracks. It
was all but perfect.

I listened to it, noticed that I clipped my signal towards the end (a
little digital distortion), but it was acceptable. Then I went to save it:

Windows told me I ran out of virtual memory. It couldn't save it at all.

I tried everything I could, moved whole application directories to my
second drive to free up space. I still couldn't save.

My main hard drive is 8GB, but only 5 of it is being used for Windows (the
other 3 is for Linux). My workspace HD was just upgraded to 13GB. All of it
is for Windows. If I had more space on my main drive (the one Windows uses
for virtual memory) I could have saved the mix and I would be announcing to
you all that it was completed and soon to be released.

Here's the worst part about it all: 2 weeks ago I bought 2 new hard drives,
a 13GB for my workspace and a 20GB for the main drive (15GB for Win98 and
5GB for Linux). My old work drive was failing and I managed to dump the
data to the new 13GB drive. I put off installing the new main drive. Had I
not procrastinated, none of this would have happened.

It's not like this hasn't happened before. I lost 2 demo EP's to HD
failure. I saved MIDI files and audio to the same drives. Gone.

1 of the drives got beat with a hammer in disgust.

The whole time I was recording the new mix, my second PC was rendering the
cover for the CD. I ended up posting it to my site anyways.
(, thank you Clever_Shen  for the CD's title.

Ok... I'm done. Feelin much better.

/rant off;

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