i used to record for a long time with classic pentium 200 and i didn't
even have UDMA -hard drives. and there was never problems with
recording. i successfully recorded with old 486 too... 


On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Todd Smith wrote:

> That's funny..
> I run a P3 733MHz with 128Mb of ram and have never ever had a recording
> failure, but the average problems are clipping and defragmentation.

> > wait a second...
> >
> >
> > Where are you sending your waves as they record??  You *need* to send them
> > in an no OS HD, and it *should* be 7200 rpm's.  But the real key is that
> > there can NOT be any programs or op system on the disk you are recording
> to,
> > not even a partitioned drive.  If you do, you run a huge risk of failure,
> > unless you have a P4 or over clocked water cooled AMD 1.5 GHz and a gig of
> > ram and a 10,000 rpm drive...
> >
> > even then, chances are there for record failure...
> >
> > darw_n

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