On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> now that is something that I would have to ask them but the only thing I'm
> familar with is the famous statement, " Techno is George Clinton and
> Kraftwerk in an elevator."
> That statement right there opens up a whole bunch of influences.
> I can only assume they listened to music in their homes, radio and whatever
> else but I don't know that for sure. Just the story about Juan turning
> Derrick onto Kraftwerk.

Oh this makes a great deal of sense.  Thinking about my own musical
influences as a bedroom DJ, some primary influences are Kraftwerk,
Juan Atkins as Cybotron, and Afrika Bambaata...as far as MUSIC is
concerned.  These three artists were the ones that expanded my mind as far
as dance music is concerned.  The influence is really simple...I hear
their music and it affects me somehow.

Now why THIS music affects me and not some OTHER music is a whole 'nother
bag of worms.

Then there are the non-musical primary influences.  Ultraman, Johnny Socko
and His Giant Robot (or Giant Robot), Monster Movie week on Channel 7,
Battle of the PLanets....are all non-musical primary influences.  They
took me into a new world that was intensely futuristic, and now that I
think about it, intensely non-white.  I saw these movies/tv shows and they
influenced me.

Now there are a whole HOST of secondary influences that go into these
primary influences...as well as a host of tertiary influences that caused
me to be affected by the first level influences.

Feel me?

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