I usually don't reply to things like this, as it just clutters up an already
cluttered list.

Why are you taking offense if you didn't bootleg?  It seems clear that the
comment is directed soley at the bootleggers, and not at all at Brittish
people in general.  


-----Original Message-----
From: rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 9:52 AM
To: Paul Hudson; 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: RE: (313) handbags


The killer here is that it has taken years for music to pull people of all
nations together and its ignorant comments like this that help to drive us
apart real quick.

Here in Britain, just like in the US we have people of all colours and from
most countries, so unless you know what colour and nationality the person is
that bootlegged the tracks.... I suggest you just say "Scum"!  That way you
can make your point about that fact that you are unhappy with bootleggers
(not the colour of the bootlegger or should I say...lack of it) without
offending your white friends here in the UK that buy tons of "Detroit's
musical underground"

I hope colour does not come into it again, music has no colour!


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Hudson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 24 March 2003 13:46
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: (313) handbags

Particularly offensive when 'Pasty-White British' are busy fighting and
dieing for the current 'regime target'.

And where would Detroits musical underground be without the 'pasty-white
British scum' who worship the music?  Not pressing up limited records to
sell at an inflated price in order to get rich quick, thats for sure.

As the statement says "-- the ironies are just too much to take"

> contingent (too bad we can't tell 43 that the next regime target should be
> all the pasty-white British scum who bootleg Detroit's musical underground
> -- the ironies are just too much to take). Another great piece of deep

> "Pasty-White British Scum"? I ain't no bootlegger, but that offends. Does
> he fancy saying that face to face?

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