hey guys

Hmm sorry but i bought it on sight and after listening i thought it was a bit of a waste of money, It is basically a drum track and more made for the DJ's apparently, not really worth for listening at

i liked this comment from a good friend who will remain nameless...:

"They ripped a bassline of Robert Armani and beats alike Farley JM's "Funking
with the drums again" plus on the other side Rolling Stone's "Sympathy for
the devil" on 45 rpm... "

he was dissing it, sounds good to me tho, i ordered it..:P

unrelated, i recently found out capsite.net will soon be no more (or maybe it already is, its not coming up at the moment..). hats off to a fantastic online zine, my favorite since the old days of forcefield, but it even exceeded that, with the video reports, graffiti and art spotlights, online mixes from lots great dj's, loadsa interviews... etc etc. it just had all the right feeling about it too, it's own very nice style that no other online zine came close to. RIP!!! thanks and respect to dr nutcracker and databulk


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