IMO it's a good record, but as it has been said there's nothing new.
It's like the new alaska by L.Garnier (back in the old days).

Innerzone orchestra, a great thing done but  
I wish carl had find another way to create than mixing jazz with techno.,
with regards and respect to all jazz fans.


> >>PG> Cool, some of my faith in this list has restored! I thought all of
> >your
> >>were just gaga over anything that carl puts out.
> >
> Alex Bond >well I guess I'm guilty a little of that. I have to say though I
> think out
> >of all the detroit 'heads' I feel he has the most consistency, and to 
> >this day is still making very good records.
> I just bought it too! Can't say I like everything Craig does but heard abt
> this and then actually heard it, and to me, it's the bees! Maybe I'm getting
> more, errr, demented(?) in my old age but whilst I've really been very happy
> to avoid 'looped bangers by numbers,' what I think of as the essence of a
> tough techno track - which is really quite an old tradition in techno - was
> never problem with that sub-genre in the first place. The problem was too
> many lazy or just plain talentless producers. But I will always give a
> Surgeon record or anything Downwards a listen, ditto, Rob Hood, Mills,
> Sativae, Jamie Liddell (sp?) Landstrumm (proly others who/which I can't
> think of right now) ... get the picture? So when I heard CC had done this,
> well, we know his rep, his mind (to a v small extent),  I expected something
> at least half-good, and it is indeed impressive (to me). It's true that it
> isn't really bedtime listening/for home use, but that's never been the sole
> criteria for a record to be 'good' imho.
> Peace
> k
> (but not whilst it's playing tho' ;-)
> >-----Original Message-----
> >Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 2:54 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: RE: (313) New Planet E 12" (& capsite)
> >
> >
> >
> >>PG> Cool, some of my faith in this list has restored! I thought all of
> >your
> >>were just gaga over anything that carl puts out.
> >
> >well I guess I'm guilty a little of that. I have to say though I think 
> >out of all the detroit 'heads' I feel he has the most consistency, and 
> >to this day is still making very good records.
> >
> >>I heard tres demented @
> >>dancetracks last night .. It's a damn drum track, and a boring one at
> >that.
> >
> >I think it's real rough s**t. I like it. I'm not too keen on the last 
> >3rd when it dives into that mad rave bit. It's crying out for a 
> >re-edit...
> >
> >I also think it reminds me big time of Sleezy D I've lost control - 
> >like a 2003 version... I guess it's the voices, but it's just the 
> >roughness of the whole thing. as someone said yesterday, I reckon it 
> >will sound good on a big rig.
> >
> >Alex 

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