a night of music by CanFollowing recent mentions of Can on the list, here's
something for those in London:


Kosmische Club presents:


a night of Can's music:

       ? excerpts from (inc unseen live + studio footage) from THE NEW CAN

       ? CAN DOCUMENTARY: history including classic and rarely seen TV

       ? CAN FREE CONCERT: Cologne, 1972 (10,000 spectators)

       ? CAN NOTES is a new film compiled by Peter Przygodda (Wim Wenders):
behind the scenes footage.

       ? filmed studio footage + a short Brian Eno film

? then an evening of star djs playing exclusively Can music all night. All
the classics, remixes and some very rare bootlegs (some live, some studio
recordings) from the vast collection at Kosmische HQ.

       live music from:

       They came from the stars; I saw them
         "Probably the UK's most pretentious group"  Flux
       "...like the Beta Band on acid"  The Wire


The Beale

Anglo/scouse art-rockers who play in front of weird films. Reminiscent of
the early Fall, Joy Division, Pere Ubu, Residents, Can, Birthday Party. They
refer to their gigs as 'installations' and have a uniquely entertaining
frontman Adrian R Shaw who speaks, rants and sings over a set of twisted,
repetetive, germanic tracks, played out by a group who stand in darkness, in
front of a screen showing strangely beautiful films, ranging from fuzzy
early 1970's family super8's to animations of levitating or marching baby
dolls on fire. www.sickhappyidle.com  www.guidedmissile.co.uk

     djs: Mary Xmas/Jim Backhaus/Pilko 'Pilko' Pilko/Tango Mango

       visuals by Curious Yellow

December 6th
Upstairs @ the Garage

kosmische club
every tues 22.00-23.30 resonance 104.4FM and

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