The last 2 Arnolds on transmat/fragile were stellar in my opinion (they never 
leave my bag), the Rodenbush was lush disposable crap. It's one of those 
records you forget what it sounds like the minute you  pick up the needle. His 
last release on immigrant was much far superior (granted I hear the transmat 
tracks were over 2 years old before they were released).

i'm a fanboy of Detroit techno (aren't we all?) or "true believer" as shake 
would like to call me. So I do look forward to each new release from some of my 
favorite labels. But, as my record collection has  reached a critical mass over 
the years, I'm not expecting each new release to be the best thing since sliced 
bread, if the latest release isn't that hot, I'll just keep playing the older 

in the meantime Obi wan's recent faves from the D:

Theo Parrish "True Cities" ( Harmione Park ) good stuff, I have to play it at 
+6 but that's cool w/ me.

Mr. De ' - "Stretchin out" -Wholnleeone is the track for me
the Martian - Pipe carrier - Stellar release

Mills see the light, - dtill wrapping my head around these, so far "the" is my 

classics that still kill it:

Ur Hardlife - classic
Shawn Rudiman - Evidence of life - sure he's my boy, but its a hot record 
(check the new eleventh hour and technoiraudio, too (shameless plug))
Anthony Shakir - Tracks for my Father and Mother- two of my favorites from mr. 
UR - codebreaker - classic
Mills - time machine 12" not worth $300 bucks, but i like it.

I could  go one, but it's after 4 pm (est) so I should get back to some actual 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri,  5 Dec 2003 14:47:02 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Re: (313) new lp on transmat ??

> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: Jason Brunton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >I would have to back up KJ on this one- certainly in terms of the
> last 
> >6 or 7 Transmat records, the quality is not what I would call 
> >earth-shattering so putting trust in the Big D is pretty risky these 
> >days.  I'm certainly not slating all the releases, just don't think 
> >they are particularly amazing or particularly different from what
> else 
> >is out there.  I am a huge, huge Transmat fan from way back but it's 
> >not a case of me wanting to hear a re-hash of Nude Photo or
> anything so 
> >that's not my problem, just that the general quality threshold
> seems to 
> >dropped dramatically since Time:Space and Aril Brikah
> id argue that all day long. i havent heard the Rodenbush release,
> but the only other releases since aril have been the john arnold
> and john beltran (both of which were very very nice) and the
> stephen browns, which were not classics, but still pretty high
> quality stuff. transmat isnt my favorite label, and im certainly
> not a derrick may fanboy, but overall i trust the guy's taste to
> be at least decent and at best fantastic. "deepartures in time" is
> my favorite techno record as well as possibly my favorite record
> ever. 
> tom 
> ________________________________________________________________

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