First let me say I'm really sorry about yesterday's deluge of Acid Traxxxx
mails - been having ongoing problems with mail (though this was new, usually
I just don't get stuff).  If it's any consolation it affected everyone where
I work which meant I had a similar number of copies of each of the 30 or so
mails I received from colleagues yesterday landing in my inbox to add to the
embarrassment of watching my post replicating itself to this list.  I hope
this is the one and only copy of this post!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stewart Caig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 17 February 2005 10:04
> Im down with the Vince Watson CD. A lot better than his older 
> stuff on Rotation and the BioSphere album which were ok, but 
> nowhere near as deep as the fractured, melodic outer space 
> yearnings coming out his new joint. Best bit of techno Ive 
> heard in a while if Im honest.

I got a 12 at the weekend by him though I can't remember what it's called -
3 mixes of the same track, 1 heavy / minimal I didn't like (by Joel Mull)
but the others good, think the VW own mix is the best, don't know if this is
off this album or not but I'd recommend it if you're looking vinyl rather
than CD.

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