>I think many major US cities have good alternative college/community
>radio programming...

That was a real interesting read matt, thanks.

I always admired americas radio set-up from afar. some of the college radio
shows look great. I always thought it seemed a better set up than what we
have here, but, well, I dunno.

I think it may be a case of the grass is greener on the other side.

I don't listen to any music on the radio really to be honest. feel kinda
sad there isn't a show like yours I could tune into every week on the radio
dial look forward to, and really connect with. there just isn't one though.

I think we're real lucky to have the bbc, I presume I'm right in thinking
you have nothing nationwide no? and, with 1extra, I think I'm right in
thinking that if you have an interest in modern day 'urban' music, this is
a pretty ok station.

if you live in a large city, theres generally a few pirates worth checking,
but overall, like usa, its a world of over commercialised s**t, with a few
pockets of people like yourselves doing their thing on local stations etc..
(think dan of the list for example..).

Blah blah blah. got verbal diarohea this morn.

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