>Maybe Rob Hall actually quite likes Happy Hardcore?

Yeah, I think he does. I mean, the first skams were hardcore records I

>I'm not a fan myself, but I can see why others might like it.

Yes, of course, and of course there's nothing wrong with that.

In a way, I'm being a musical snob, but I'm just kinda trying to say that I
see enough musical snobbery from people and it gets on my wick when the
ultimate musical snobbery people then come out playing things like happy
hardcore, then STILL remain snobbish towards others.

I'm not singling out Rob Hall by the way at all here, more, well, it's a
long story, but, I know enough 'IDM' heads. Most of them musical
snobs.............. More so than any other people who will be into other
types of music.

I even like 'idm' as Matt says, I have old black dogs, ART, you know, all
that.... I just don't understand the attitude that goes with it.

*he says, being snobbish about music himself*

jesus, I don't even know what I'm trying to say really.
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