I've heard the opposite from the world of indie rock actually - that small
indie labels have done a good job of keeping vinyl going with ltd.
pressings, 7"/45rpms, collector series, etc.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/16/2006 11:19:40 AM:

> I was having a beer with someone who works at a large record distributers
> in the UK the other week and he was telling me that vinyl will meet it's
> demise a lot sooner than people think because the number of companies
> can manufacture lacquers for use in the production of vinyl is now
> to a handful in the world (and due to lack of demand they are not exactly
> economically viable anymore).
> Now I don't want a boring digital vs. vinyl type discussion here (we've
> done that to death) but I'm not sure I believe him for some reason. I'd
> like to hear this isn't true but I suspect it might be.
> Anyone on here have any better information than me?
> cheers
> robin...

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