
I can't even to afford to pay the rent this month.  WTF is your delusion of 
grandeur re: people who make records ?

Let's talk about all the sampling of vintage r & b and Soul records that some 
of your favorite producers steal from black musicians then.

Good luck to you raising a sane and intelligent offspring.

telepathic regards,
the kooky scientist

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 8/26/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't know about that and I briefly appeared in a bit about Mathew Jonson 
> and
> > the M-nus segment in Slices.
> did they hook you up with some free peaktime minutes?
> > FYI, the producer of Slices DOES have some underground electronic music
> > credibility.  You may not know this but it's not some corporate guy from 
> t-mobile
> > doing it.  It's Hoschi from Labworks.  That is if you go back to the early 
> 90's
> > German techno scene.
> you sell out corporate lackeys are mad credible. good luck.
> tom

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