The problem is that the continued existence on this list depends on a
certain level of mutual respect. I don't know what got put in
everybody's food, but people have been way too salty lately.

This is supposed to be a mailing list about Detroit Techno, and as
such it has historically been a positive force to promote the music.
How many heard a few records that became crucial to them, and then
found out there was an E-mail list that they could go to for
discussion and education on that topic? How many people have formed
lasting relationships based around techno because of this list?  Would
someone coming along in the past 2 weeks see any of that?

When things get ugly, things are off course. I'm just this guy who
volunteered to administer the list, but I'm a believer in preserving
it as a place for positive, substantive discussion.  If you've been
reading for the past few weeks, you know I don't say anything as Mr.
Admin until things cross a certain line.  It isn't easy to judge when
to step in, so I just do it when it feels like it has to be done.
Believe me, judging from my private e-mail, there would be support for
me being much more pro-active, and banning people.

It shouldn't be like that.  And, speaking to those of you who seem to
think that they're doing people favors by 'telling it like it is' and
'keeping it real': you aint.  Whatever valid points you have, whatever
your opinions are, being salty and abusive just negates them. Anything
real you have to say, you could say better without being bitches.

Do y'all think for a minute you're unique individuals, whose
brilliance and insight puts you above the normal rules of civil
discourse? Nah, you're just haters, and I got tired of that crap in
1987 on Usenet News.  A bunch of cranks working out their frustrations
on the Internet. There's nothing unique about you -- you're just
members of the bummer demographic. Figure out how to stop being
thwarted, bitter people in real life and leave 313 the hell alone.

On 9/5/06, v12 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
everybody's got their name printed on their faces.
what's the problem if someone starts reading aloud?

not comfortable enough?


----- Original Message -----
From: "kent williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "list 313" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 12:48 AM
Subject: (313) Namecalling is Bullsh!t

> ... and it should stop.

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