Surely this'll prove temporary MEK?

For me, maintaining a good balance of techno/electronic with 'everything
else' is essential to keep one's interest going in both. Healthy
balanced diet kinda thing! :-)

Maybe some recommendations from both sides might help.... (some
relatively new, some less so.)


1. 'Lifeworks' compilation - I anticipate this staying to close to hand
for months.

2. 'Data Mining In Anthilla' - Gosub (very dense and very sweet,
impossible to get bored of this electro, I think so anyway.)

3. 'Trans Canada Hi-Way' Boards of Canada - download-able in FLAC from if you can't be bothered to digitise it!

'"Not" Electronic'

1. 'Antics' by Interpol - unadorned funky NY rock - is it me, or are
there really drum & bass-style breaks on this?!?

2. 'Eraser' - By Thom Yorke - easy to dismiss, but well worth getting to
know very well. (You do have to have already gotten over his whine

3.'Hot Funky & Sweaty - The Sound of Heavy Soul & Funk' compilation. OK,
vinyl snobs step-off whilst people like me with not so well-furnished
pockets but still an open mind continue discovering. This is a good
place to start and the title says it all. (Late '60s, '70s) 

4. 'Tago Mago' - Can. Why not?

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