Ok, don't take this the wrong way, just a guess - so it isn't
'Everything In It's Right Place' by Radiohead then ...? (The words of
which you might be mis-hearing a bit).


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Duke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 03 November 2006 05:07
To: list 313
Subject: (313) (OT) "Everything Changes"/"You Make Me New" song IDs?

Dear 313 folks:
Totally off-topic, but some help is requested:

so I've heard this "everything changes" song like 3 times in the
last few days and I can't figure out for the life of me what it is;
it is a melancholy mid-tempo song with a male vocalist in the chorus
"something something something, but everything changes and
something something something, everything changes, and
something something something, everything changes something"
ie the "everything changes" part seems to be the hook of the chorus.
It almost sounds like Radiohead's Thom Yorke singing, but
I did some googling and there seems to be no
relation between Radiohead or him and "everything changes".
And nope, it ain't Staind or Take That! In fact, I searched a huge
list of song titles and listened to the audio for anything related to
"everything changes" with a male vocal and--nada. :(
I'm sure it is something known that will make me say "doh!" when
I find out, but at this point...
I've heard it once in a mall, once in a grocery store, and
once at a fast food restaurant, so it must be relatively new.
But all were "playing satellite radio", so no announcer to
say what the song is.  It is infuriating me (ie not knowing
what this song is) so much to the point that I almost have
half a mind to carry a portable recorder around with me
and the next time I hear the song park myself under the
nearest speaker playing it and record it and take the
recording to a record store.
Anybody have any ideas?
There's also a great 80s vibe upbeat song with a female
vocalist that I keep hearing lately and I can't figure out what
it is. Vocalist sounds sorta like Gloria Estefan. And too good to
be Jennifer Lopez.  Latin sounding. Can't figure out the
lyrics of the chorus. Perhaps "you make me new/you *make* me new"?
Done lots of searching on that, too.
Again, not 313, but these 2 songs are stuck in my brain and
I don't have a clue who the artists are. I'm usually pretty good at
hearing a bit of a song and figuring out quite quickly who it is,
but keep coming up blank on these 2. Help?

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