hey francis,

all my peeps from ireland arrived, just about. i ran out of juice on
my mobile, so could not contact you. friday night i spent in week12end
with sasse playing. it was so-so as the place did not get very busy
and the music was, well, weak - only a metro area cut stood out for
me. very different from my last visit there.

tried to get into panorama bar at about 3.30, but the (very scary
looking) bouncers didn't like the cut of our jib. so, back to
week12end (didn't think of watergate).

saturday was spent in museums (pergamonmuseum my favourite), then a
meal in borchardt, possible one of the best i've ever had. then in a
cocktail bar called ambulance in north of the city with a cool
dreadlocked dj playing chi house, disco, funk, crazy rhythm tracks. we
left there at reasonable hour (1.0) to go to berghain.

holy moly, what it says on wikipedia doesn't come close. the lighting
and sound is brilliant - they must have spent a fortune on the place.
the massive strobe lights almost induced an epileptic fit they were so
powerful (and disorientating). the shaved-headed muscle marys were a
sight to behold - as were the unfeasibly tall women, the valkyries.

the music downstairs in the main berghain section was good. a dj
wearing a red planet t-shirt (think it was don williams) played some
great deep, dubby stuff, plus rng and that great hutton drive track on
frantic flowers. upstairs was alright, the live sets of bruno pronsato
(boring) and daze maxim (better) were a mixed bag. then a hamburg dj
marc schneider took the reins and thats when i firmly encamped in
panorama bar. the music was brilliant - this
http://www.discogs.com/release/5996 was the highlight for me and
summed up the night. had to leave at 8.0 in the morning, but it only
seemed like the place was really getting going then. but i had my
brain, liver and children to consider.

i am actually glad that our licensing laws in ireland are so
restrictive, because berlin nightlife is not condusive to good health.
i saw a quote about berlin during the weimar republic: "the dance
clubs were full and the patrons took as many drugs as they did

glad to see nothing has changed - berlin, your dance partner is death.

My friends and I had a great time there (again!).
Kept it quiet(!) by going to Sternradio on Friday as it's local to our hostel 
and having travelled and just eaten a large meal at the nice Mexican on 
Rosenthaler Platz I lacked energy and indeed was in bed by 3:30am.
Saturday day I took the S Bahn to Potsdam and had a fascinating day checking 
the palaces etc.
Nightime we went to Week12end about midnight, heard Ame (I think it was he judging from 
what was played), HENRIK SCHWARZ who was once again devastatingly good and Dixon (ditto 
on the "at least I think it was him").  Heard people slag the place for being 
snobby and we have had trouble getting in before but once in it seemed to me nice club, 
good sound, amazing views, top DJs.  €8.  You wouldn't get that in the UK.
Then it was on to our Mecca Berghain for another night of unrelenting hard 
tech.  At some points in the night the music or DJing might not have been 100% 
my taste but the place just has such a vibe (and system).  Managed to keep in 
the main bit and out of Panorama (as I find it too easy to spend half the night 
chatting in there!) the whole time (we left about 13:00 Sunday).  We then ended 
up having some rather bizarre adventures before grinding to a halt on Sunday 
At my last count there was another UK posse headed there, one from Eire maybe? 
(did you get everybody there eventually?), one person from the USA? and of 
course the residents such as Roman.  I totally failed to get in contact with 
anyone after suffering a PC failure on Thursday before I left and then just 
going with the flow once there - but I think a fair few were planning on 
Week12end.  Were we all there in separate corners?

Aidan O to the D

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