Talking'bout eBay...
A guy sold one of my favourite t-shirt for 94.99 $.
You could find it (without too much problems) on
the web for 55.00 $, so I asked him if it wasn't a
little bit overpriced.
He says:
Yes it is, i bought it for retail price and have to make
a profit

He was so honest I'm considering buying from him

Joel Gajewski ha scritto:
I'd be careful, he is from Tenn.  "Squeel like a pig, boy!"   *shivers

----- Original Message ----
From: Jeffrey Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 313 <>
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 10:42:22 PM
Subject: Re: (313) Weird eBay email/seller - beware

I just sent him an email about a Nissan 300 ZX being
in the records section...we'll see what I get back!

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh yeah, he does have a bunch of records for sale as
well so you might
still come across him in the record auctions


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 01/19/2007
07:27:18 PM:

I was browsing through eBay record listings, just
looking at the general
record listings.  I was curious to see what top
dollar items were (in all
I came across some listings for cars and they were
all by the same guy
"thurmanator77".  Thinking maybe he made a mistake
I sent him a message
eBay sort of questioning if he realized that all
of his car listings were
in the vinyl record category.  You know, basically
trying to be helpful.
He sent a message back via eBay that asked how I
came across them and
they should be, etc.  I thought, "right - he's new
and doesn't know about
eBay Motors".  So sent another message back to
him, via eBay with the
to the Motors part.  Then I get an email
*directly* from him:
----- Forwarded by Michael
Elliot-Knight/FALMSP/USA/NA/FALLON on 01/19/07
07:12 PM -----

robert thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
on 01/19/2007 06:46:09

hello michael, i don't know i guess some people
have alot of time on
their hands and really don't have much to do so
they look to find
something wrong and become a watchdog society or
somthing like that!
i have plenty to do and i try to take care of my
own business and i
feel that normal people should take care of
their own business
instead of trying to interfer with business they
don't care a stick
about. anyway if everybody was like that there
wouldn't be an ebay
as it would be out of business and then what
would they do,
how bout looking at a new life and get aquanted
with your maker
"God" he can save your soul and give you
everlasting life if you
will come to Him, see mark 16: 15-16, acts 2:
38, romans 6: 3-4,
acts 8: 25-38. i hope that sometime soon you
will find a new life
and a new direction to go in instead of trying
to interfere with
other peoples business and just take care of
your own.
also, could i get your address.

thanks and have a nice evening... robert

really creeping me out that he's basically telling
me to f*ck off and
my own business while preaching some religious
and then he asks for my address?!?!!?
he's from Celina, Tennessee (stated on his
There was absolutely nothing in my responses to
him that could have
prompted this kind of response from him so it's
weirding me out a bit.
I'm not going to reply to the email and hope he
goes away.
I suppose this is a - just beware of this
guy/seller - email

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