He's a DJ not the Pope, what's the view like from up there fella? ;)


Stoddard, Kamal wrote:
I can think of about a million other ways that he can set a better
example for their usual audience by easing up on a few behavioral
eccentricities (or at least not putting said behaviors on such a public
pedestal) as opposed to championing a new cause with a new (quite
possibly guilt induced) set of eccentricities. That said I still find it
hard to chide someone that's spreading a good message. That said, if you
haven't gotten THAT message in 2007, you prolly won't.

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Swain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 5:32 PM
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: (313) Global Wierding

So they're doing 3 things

I think It goes beyond that -- they have a lot of reach and hopefully by
setting a good example they can hopefully encourage others to follow
suit, which is way more effective than any measures they could take
alone, and imho great use of that reach and deserves some respect.


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