> I keep waiting around for the next exciting new form of music.  Maybe I'm
> getting old and not appreciating what's out there but I've been waiting a
> while now.

there's lots of new music, it is just largely influenced by an
increasingly materialistic society and it does not have appeal to old
heads like us, for the most part.

> OK I'm just saying something peepz on here have said plenty times recently -
> and I bet others have said down the years as their opinion hardens that
> what's out there now doesn't match what they remember in "their time".

something that came from "out of nowhere" is going to seem more
impressive than something youve seen sprout from something that you
were aware of at the time. that discontinuity is what makes it seem

> However my particular take on a familiar theme this time is:
> 1.  It seems like we can synthesise just about any crazy sound we want now
> (just take hold of those dots and make a wave any shape we want) or
> reproduce any naturally occurring sound at will with modest equipment.
> 2.  As far as I know (and this may be a weak point as I'm short on expertise
> here) is that we've explored and to a certain extent become familiar with
> most of the world now and there doesn't seem to be any large culture or
> ethnic group who's music we have yet to hear / be blown away by / magpie
> some bits of into our own popular music.

i have great problems with the lack of nurturing of local
scenes/cultures in the internet age as that is where new music comes
from in the first place. that is defniitely not going to help new
sounds come around in the same way they used to.

> So is the reason that it seems to me that there's no new ideas about but
> just the same old being rehashed is that instead of being liberated by all
> this freedom to produce as we like and all this wealth of sounds from around
> the world we have to examine that if there's nothing strange and new
> prodding us along (instruments that sound unlike any we've used yet, a new
> vibe from another land) we run out of steam a bit?

things maybe shouldnt be so hyperaccelerated in the first place? but
that seems to be the mindset of so many electronic music people. they
just move on to whatever is new and trendy without fully exploring
anything. there's alot of room for retro sounds simply because so many
of those ideas were never developed to their fullest.

> Still I guess not having new instruments didn't stop Berg, Mahler and
> Schoenberg (or punk - but you could argue that was more of a fashion thing
> than music that was revolutionary).

punk was revolutionary musically because it took all the "progress"
that had been made in rock music and tossed it out the window. it was
progress by regression, which is what i think is happening now. the
most exciting music coming out to me is really lo-fi and poorly
produced and just hacked together in any old way. its the dawn of
electronic punk, or something.


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