On 1 Nov 2007, at 10:40, robin wrote:

Another point that's missed here is, by and large, musical revolutions happen in time with other youth/cultural changes. These can be brought around by changes of society (rock and roll due to teenagers having money) or changes in the drugs that society does, amongst other things.

One big reason house and techno became so big was the association with MDMA, particulalrly in the UK youth culture of the 80s.

I total agree, it gave kids a degree of separation from the generations before, something that was their own.

I remember when people who still drank when E was at full swing where referred to as "beer monsters" but the main problem as I see it with the E generation is they all went back to their day jobs on Monday morning.

yep yep yep....

the (r)evolution never happened.

It's a shame it didn't because for a while the sense of community was really good after Thatcher has destroyed all the unions and all the working communities where I live.

it was co-opted by alco-pops manufacturers and now we have a society with a huge drinking problem.

Invented for the sole reason to get women to drink more and the guy that invented it really regrets it now.


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