(excuse this little side-conversation)

No, that's not it - but that also sounds worth checking out!

This thing was definitely *not* jazzy and I don't think it was broken down into 
tracks. The piece
I heard was about 30 minutes long. Or maybe it was actually one minute long and 
the rest was
echoes choes hoes oes es s..?


> Very interesting thread this!
> Nik, that composition... It wouldn't be "Vor der Flut - Hommage an
> einen Wasserspeicher" would it? It's this fab recording made in an
> old water 'silo' in Cologne/Germany in 1984, just before the
> flooding. I've been trying to find info online but it's all (or
> mostly anyway) in German. Here's a site with a clip http://
> www.magicmusic.de/shop/de/act/cd/arg/6740/ and here it is on Discogs
> http://www.discogs.com/release/1123083
> If this is what you were thinking of I could be persuaded to scan the
> album liner notes, which are in both German and English.
> I totally love this album and played the A side almost in its
> entirety it at our last party in September. : )
> Anya
> On 1 Nov 2007, at 11:34, Nik Stoltzman wrote:
>>> Not unprecedented. There are pieces that are centuries old that call
>>> for brass players positioned all over the auditorium/cathedral/
>>> whatever.
>> Sorry to hijack the thread (which, incidentally, is very
>> interesting) temporarily, but this
>> reminds me of a composition I heard once and have been trying to
>> track down ever since.
>> It was written and arranged to be played in an underground grain
>> silo. I can't remember the
>> composer. Basically, the concept was a number of horn players
>> arranged in a circle around the
>> perimeter of the circular silo, with the conductor in the centre.
>> Each musician would perform
>> short stabs such that the echo within the chamber (which could be
>> timed quite accurately) would
>> allow them to build layers of sound.
>> I'd love to know what it was. Any clues or leads?
>> Peace,
>> N
>> P.S: OT: Any Londoners going to The Cinematic Orchestra gig tomorrow?

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