Hmm .. the thread is spreading to wide for me to follow.

But I sort of enjoy the debate .. despite being schooled like a newbie!

I do know who Larry Levan is and consider him a huge inspiration, also the
Merry Pranksters, KLF, Brian Eno, Pink Floyd, Rabbit in the Moon, The Orb,
FSOL ... + heaps more.  All people who have attempted to create music and
entertainment in multiple dimensions.

For those that are interested where these ideas take me personally.

I am coordinating a performance at a large NYE  Festival in NZ.

It is a multi layered multi media performance. Encompassing several days.

In brief their are four separate groups of interconnected sound systems that
perform separate individual functions but that are connected to produce one
singular performance.

If you want to call me crazy get in line ..

This is how my friends and I enjoy expressing ourselves and have a lot of
fun doing it .. With this performances, for the first time, I have been able to
co-opt about 30 other performers to participate over the 3 day festival.

While you are able to experience the different systems separately, there are
points where you can hear elements, mixtures of all systems together.  The
process is to create or stimulate a cohesive sound across all systems.

Does is sound good? Is is music?  I am probably not qualified to say.

As you can imagine it is difficult to rehearse this kind of activity, but from 
perspective there are some really talented people involved in the project so
I am expecting good results.

While I have been working on some of the ideas for several years now this
upcoming performance is really Phase One of the development.  This may
not take me around the world, but the locations we party in over here are
pretty spectacular.

Also. Tom .. just for your information.  When ever I do performances I do
get people who strongly oppose what I am doing and demand that I cease
and desist immediately.  They then attempt to tell me what I am doing wrong
and how I should be doing it better, and in what ways.

As an "artist" this is always encouraging.


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