There have been a rash of new subscribers in the past couple of weeks. Welcome!

Some things:

1. You have to send your messages in plain text format. If you don't
they bounce to me, and when i get around to it, I'll forward it back
to you to let you know why your message didn't go through.
Plain text means no boldface, italics, yellow-on-white text, images,
sound files etc.  This is a list where the words matter and where a
few old crusties still use command line mail readers.

2. You need to avoid the sort of words that get Americans (and their
corporate mail filters) upset.  That would include fvck, sh1t,
c0cksvcker, cvnt, and such.  See what I did there? If you must use
those words, you can obfuscate them to sneak past the filter.  I don't
give a sh1t -- the whole idea is to let people use their work e-mail
accounts to read the 313 list.

3. There are certain standards of civility that must be maintained.
What are they? Completely arbitrary and up to myself and Matt Mcqueen
and other old school list worthies.  I'm not going to ban someone
until and unless they ignore warnings to cool it.

4. There are some rules that would come under rule #3 -- impersonating
others for self-aggrandizement or mischief, subscribing under more
than one e-mail and pretending to be more than one person, advocating
or participating in illegal or immoral acts with direct bearing on the
artists and business about which this list concerns itself.   I have
gotten warnings about one recent subscriber from several people having
been a bad actor elsewhere on the internets, and while I'm not going
to ban that person in advance of any bad behavior, I do in fact read
every message that goes through the list, and won't hesitate to act.

5. Given items 3 and 4, occasional strife and hurt feelings aren't
enough to earn a ban. I'll ask nicely for people who get salty to cool
it, if they start getting too personal. Especially if it has nothing
to do with Detroit Techno.  But we're all grownups here, right?
Anyone who goes really negative and personal will just have to live
with the impression that leaves on other people.  Anyone whose
feelings are hurt needs to consider whether they want to give 7-bit
ASCII strings that much power in their lives.  I'll even help you
write a mail filter or killfile to get rid of e-mail from people who
bother you.

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