Theo is going to get all sorts of love from the 313 list that Richie
won't.  That's just the way things are.

Watching that video doesn't make me think Theo is selling out to
Adidas. It makes me think that Theo and a Film-maker got a bunch of
money from Adidas to make a short film that gets at the heart of what
Detroit dance music is all about.  I don't even think you can see
Theo's feet in it.

Worrying about selling out and underground legitimacy seems to mostly
be the occupation of people who have leisure time paid for by their
own selling out to whatever corporation they're working for.  'Selling
out' or 'Keeping it real' are more mythic attributes that people paste
artists with, which makes black in white a world that is almost
entirely gray.

This is a completely different thing than compromising artistic
principles to make money. Who in their right mind would talk about
Theo that way?

It's like they want their favorite artists not to sell out, because
they want to believe there's someone left that hasn't sold out.  Fair
enough, I suppose, but we all have to make a living somehow.  Let him
who is without sin cast the first stone.

On Feb 13, 2008 8:24 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i'm surprised noone has mentioned anything about selling
> out, or corporate invasion of underground cultures or
> something along those lines.
> i bet there would have been an outrage if it was richie

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