New York City is a tough place to book shows. I have huge respect for
Bryan Kasenic who has put on events for years that, even if they're
not Detroit-centric, are always respectable line-ups of artists who
would interest members of this list.  But there's always a hundred
things going on every night, so the audience is fragmented, and NYC is
a place people are very status- and fashion-conscious.  It's all too
easy for someone still working at the top of their game to fall off
the 'It' list and play to empty rooms.

As for that festival -- whatever. The line-up sound interesting around
the edges, and if you don't like it find one of the 99 other things
happening to do instead.  Or create your own fun -- find a bar and hit
up all your friends, acquaintances and enemies and play some records.
Who knows, if your haircut and shoes are right, you might become 'It.'

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 9:12 PM, diana potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  What about a 313 in the n-y-c night? There's a lot of nyc area list members 
> and lots of talent as well.

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