This proves once again how NZ takes America's most trumped-up
regulations and makes them worse.

I know there are geeks in the house who will enjoy Peter
Gutmann's classic story about NZ regulation in the 1990s of
"digital munitions," otherwise known as cryptographic keys, or,
"my life as a Kiwi arms courier."


------ mail forwarded, original message follows ------

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Andy Mitchell>
Subject: Re: (313) Mad Mike interview
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 10:20:16 +1200 (NZST)

>> They won't let you waiver - music is music to mcps/prs etc and they do
>> close people down for it.
> This is a New Zealand site remember, so it's controlled by local
> organisation RIANZ not any American organisation. I'm guessing their fees
> are equally prohibitive though, because *no-one* offers podcasts or even
> streaming archived shows here unless they consist purely of talk.

So I did some snooping and the local situation is this (turned out it was
an organisation called Phonographic Performances New Zealand who control
broadcast licenses here):

> PPNZ does not have an existing assignment to blanket licence podcasts at
> the present time. Any broadcaster seeking to make available music on
> demand is required to seek the permission of the individual copyright
> owners concerned.

So it's more or less impossible to archive music radio online from

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