Good analogy. It sounds to me though, that this is another discussion
that's really simply about whether the music is good or if it's bad,
disguised in this case as a format/medium discussion. (See previous
technical issue discussion).

If I really analyze my motivation for liking music, honestly and
critically, I come up bust. I find that discussions such as this are
merely me rationalizing the innately irrational.

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 12:38 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Easy to mix - and only really interesting to the DJ for any extended period
> of time.
> Then you get a real DJ in and people don't quite know what to do or make of
> it.
> The audience's ears gets dumb-down, like giving kids McDonald's burgers all
> their life. Then have them taste a real burger they might not like it as
> much because it's got the full range of taste - not just sweet and salt.

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