OK, whilst this situation is indeed not a very nice one for Frankie
Knuckles, it's not actually as bad as some reports suggest.

Note - he has only had *a foot* amputated. Not a leg.

Here's Knuckles' own response posted to Resident Advisor:

quote:Recently there has been a lot of scuttle-butt going around on the
internet about me and my health. Apparently, someone perpetrating that
they are a friend or someone close to me felt it necessary to use me and
my PERSONAL HEALTH in an open forum for public discussion. I feel
violated and disrespected. 

Let me say this; Anyone that knows me personally or, anyone that I've
been in close proximity to on a personal level will tell you that I've
never been anything less than a gentleman. Oh, I can be as silly as the
next one but, never disrespectful, mean or, malicious. However, I am an
intensely private individual and don't take kindly to having to explain

But, to put these rumors to rest, here's what's been going on; 

Almost 10 years ago I broke my right foot. And instead of sitting still
and allowing it to mend properly, I returned to the road and continued
to travel during the healing process. 

Well, the foot never really healed properly and over the past 10 years
continued to give me great difficulty. Throughout that period I
developed a disease in my foot called osteomialitis (it's a disease of
the bone). 

For years I worked with my doctors to combat this illness and they
informed me (to a degree) that all this work was pretty much the
equivalent of putting a bandaid on the situation. Eventually, it was
going to get the better of me and I'd be left with no other choice but
to have my foot amputated. 

Well, I praise my doctors for helping me put up a good fight. But what
was inevitable came to fruition on July 3rd. I didn't lose my leg but I
did lose my foot. it was necessary because the disease was beginning to
travel up my leg, threatening my heart. 

I didn't have a problem losing my foot. After all, I still have another.
But I did have a problem losing my life. This is the only one I have. 

This disease I developed wasn't diabetic related. The fact that I have
diabetes may have compounded it to a degree (in it's latter stages). But
you'll all be happy to know that I'm doing very well. I'm 1000% better
now that my body is rid of the disease and I'm no longer living in pain.
I lived with that pain for almost 10 years and most of you never knew
it. And you weren't supposed to. 

We've shared entirely too many good times over the years in every city
and country I visited around the globe. I did my job and tried to remain
respectful of the job at hand when it came to coming and playing for
you. And when this thing got to be too much for me, I did what was
necessary to correct it. But it was evident that I was going to lose my
foot. And that was/is a private matter. One that I share with my family
and very close friends. I just wish that instead of someone opening a
forum about it here online, that I would've been trusted well enough by
everyone to know that I would make a statement about it. 

Just know that I've been doing everything in my power to get better and
turn this situation around. I can't thank you all enough for your
prayers and well-wishes. Your blessings were well received. For the past
3 months I've been here at home, I've managed to rise every morning with
a smile on my face and endure every obstacle that's been put in my path,
to get back to where I need to be. On a dance floor with you. I can't
thank you all enough for the love and respect you all continue to give

I am a very fortunate man. 

Maximum Love & Infinite Respect~ 


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Glazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 11:35 PM
To: 313
Subject: (313) great news / sad news

great news: metro area BRING IT for their fabric mix

sad news: Frankie Knuckles has had his leg amputated due to diabetes



dj mix archive:  http://www.deejaycountzero.com

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