Yeah, I'll be trying to catch those shows too.

On the subject of a near empty Tresor, it's a shame that the new incarnation 
seems to have dropped to near the bottom of the order
of choice of destination in Berlin.  It's entirely understandable as there are 
just so many good clubs there; some of the smaller /
more out of the way / less well known ones I've been to there are still better 
than anything we have here in Manchester (though I
know from talking to visiting artists we have our own particular appeal ;-) and 
as for the most in demand.....  But I really like
the new Tresor and am not sure if it's a victim of not being the freshest line 
up / name, too big too soon after the relaunch, too
stark and dark, a.n.other reason.  I'd loved to have seen it really take off 
and expand into that huge space where the chandelier

> Sent: 06 October 2008 09:05
> I see on the delsin site that Quince, Vince Watson and Steve Rachmad
> have dates over the weekend so all is not lost. Steve Rachmad killed
> it to a near empty Tresor last Saturday. 

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