Hello All:

At Buenos Aires, we had a very productive discussion on updating 
In order to use it more for guidance to other IETF WGs and external SDO as to 
how 6lo WG technologies might be useful to yet another L2 networks that are 
serving constrained devices.
The document already discusses different parameters for different technologies  
and typical deployment.

The goal is to improve the document  and present it as an 6lo Applicability 
document for others to know how to use this technology.

Yong-Geun is heading this effort and  he might need some extra hands to help 
him out.

I plan to arrange a phone meeting next week (Wed/Thurs) @7am PDT to discuss:

*         Outline proposal of the updated document

*         Nail down the usecase scenarios



PS: Please update the Doodle poll for your preference on attendance.


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