HI Charlie,
See the inline. I marked with names for others to read.
Hello Qin,

Thanks for your quick reply.  Follow-up below...

On 10/27/2015 8:44 AM, Qin Wang wrote:

1.There is a strong need for non-local statistics, for instance flow 
statistics[Qin] Since different Scheduling Function (SF) may need different 
non-local statistics, IMHO, the non-local statistics should be part of SF.
[Charlie] Perhaps it could at least be mentioned that obtaining non-local 
statistics is a possible responsibility for certain SFs.
[Qin] Agree

2. Do 6top commands go across at scheduled times, or on the "minimal" channel 
SFR0?[Qin] I think you refer to the commands carried in 6P message (section 
3.1.3). I think that the 6P message will be exchanged after bootstrap which 
bases on "minimal". In addition, to exchange 6P message, both slots scheduled 
in SFR0 and slots scheduled in SFR1 can be used.
Is it mandated that bootstrapping uses "minimal"?

Is it intended that control messages (in general) are to be scheduled in the 
same way that data flows are scheduled?  Or, since the current messages are all 
one-hop messages, is it envisioned that any available slot could be used for 
the purpose?

If the latter, I think there will be problems with hidden terminals, etc.

If the former, there is a danger of starvation unless there is a control 
channel.  Starvation for IoT/detnet belongs on the don't-ever-allow-it list.

[Qin] According to my understanding, "minimal" is mandatory for bootstrapping. 
In the current design, the scheduling processes for control message and data 
flow are same. In another word, the 6P based negotiation is triggered by SF to 
conduct ADD/DELETE cells process, regardless the cells will be used for data 
flow or control message. The hidden terminal problem is expected to be solved 
by monitoring function of SF. 

3. Local measurements are prone to oscillation.[Qin] I'm not sure I understand 
the question. Can you explain more?

[Charlie] For example, if a local measurement triggers flow reassignment to 
different cells, and another nearby node uses an unfortunate reassignment at 
the same time, then oscillation will occur.

[Qin] Yes, it may happen. I think the backoff policy of SF should take it into 

4. Shouldn't a retry facility be standardized?  That way you can specify binary 
exponential backoff, etc.[Qin] I think it could be better to leave the retry 
policy to SF to standardize, which may give SF designer more flexibility.

[Charlie] System-wide, sometimes such flexibility can be dangerous.  For 
example, if too many SFs use a linear backoff (or, no backoff!) there will be 
[Qin] Agree. Maybe we need to give some recommendation in the draft. What other 
people think?

6. Is it possible to carry protocol messages carried over IP?  IPv6?[Qin] I can 
not see the advantage to carry 6P message in IP or IPv6, because 6P message is 
just for one hop communication. But if you think about PCE approach, it may be 
possible to carry some sort of message with 6P message format over IP or IPv6.

[Charlie] Well, there is compression.  And, the IETF usually does things at the 
network layer and above.

[Qin] But 6top is under IP layer and is going to fit the gap between MAC and 
network layer.

7. Shouldn't IETF try to either use existing IEs, or explain the need for new 
ones?  It seems wrong to allocate new IE numbers in the IETF.[Qin] In 
IEEE802.15.4e, the IEs space is divided into used, unmanaged, and reserved. 
But, The IEs defined in IEEE802.15.4e can not express the requirement of 6top. 
That is why we ask IEEE to assign us new IE(s).  What do you mean "existing 

[Charlie] Yes, this is exactly my point.  In the IEEE, we *do* want to satisfy 
the requirements for 6top.  I am involved with 802.15.LLC which has as its 
basic purpose to satisfy such requirements as may be determined by 6tisch.

[Qin] I think we can start a discussion specifically about the interface 
between IEEE and 6top. Basically it is important for us to move forward instead 
of waiting the development of other standards. Make sense?

9. Are 65,000 offsets really needed?  65,000 channels??  Are applications going 
to request 256 cells from neighboring devices?It inherits from IEEE802.15.4, 
section to keep consistence with Link Information field.

Thanks.  I'll have to go express my amazement there :-)

10. The concept of a container needs definition.  How is the length of a 
container known?  Is there any difference between "container" and 
"SFID-specific data"?  Unless it has some intuitive value, this seems like a 
misleading bit of terminology.[Qin] Container is different from SFID. Container 
specifies the slotframe or chunk from which the cells are selected. We will 
clarify it in the next version.

[Charlie] Could you provide some intuition that favors the use of the word 
"container"?  If it's a data structure containing slotframe information, that 
could be given a much more relevant name.  I could make some suggestions for 
[Qin] Container should be a ID, such as slotframe ID or chunk ID, to specify 
where the cells are selected from. 

11. It seems likely that on many devices, scheduling functions will not be 
callable at boot time.  Why not mandate that a scheduling function needs to 
describe some behavior when 6tisch launches?[Qin] During the boot time, 
"minimal" will be used. See answer to question 2.

[Charlie] What if there are devices that do a lot of stuff and only launch 
6tisch when data communications are needed?  Would they all be non-conformant?
[Qin] Do those devices use TSCH as MAC? If yes, 6tisch is necessary for all 
time, I believe.



     On Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:44 PM, Charlie Perkins 
<charles.perk...@earthlink.net> wrote:

  Hello Qin,
 Thanks for your quick reply.  Follow-up below...
 On 10/27/2015 8:44 AM, Qin Wang wrote:

  1.There is a strong need for non-local statistics, for instance flow 
statistics Since different Scheduling Function (SF) may need different 
non-local statistics, IMHO, the non-local statistics should be part of SF.  
 Perhaps it could at least be mentioned that obtaining non-local statistics is 
a possible responsibility for certain SFs.
  2. Do 6top commands go across at scheduled times, or on the "minimal" channel 
SFR0? I think you refer to the commands carried in 6P message (section 3.1.3). 
I think that the 6P message will be exchanged after bootstrap which bases on 
"minimal". In addition, to exchange 6P message, both slots scheduled in SFR0 
and slots scheduled in SFR1 can be used.  
 Is it mandated that bootstrapping uses "minimal"?
 Is it intended that control messages (in general) are to be scheduled in the 
same way that data flows are scheduled?  Or, since the current messages are all 
one-hop messages, is it envisioned that any available slot could be used for 
the purpose?
 If the latter, I think there will be problems with hidden terminals, etc.
 If the former, there is a danger of starvation unless there is a control 
channel.  Starvation for IoT/detnet belongs on the don't-ever-allow-it list.
  3. Local measurements are prone to oscillation. I'm not sure I understand the 
question. Can you explain more?  
 For example, if a local measurement triggers flow reassignment to different 
cells, and another nearby node uses an unfortunate reassignment at the same 
time, then oscillation will occur.
  4. Shouldn't a retry facility be standardized?  That way you can specify 
binary exponential backoff, etc. I think it could be better to leave the retry 
policy to SF to standardize, which may give SF designer more flexibility.  
 System-wide, sometimes such flexibility can be dangerous.  For example, if too 
many SFs use a linear backoff (or, no backoff!) there will be problems.
 6. Is it possible to carry protocol messages carried over IP?  IPv6? I can not 
see the advantage to carry 6P message in IP or IPv6, because 6P message is just 
for one hop communication. But if you think about PCE approach, it may be 
possible to carry some sort of message with 6P message format over IP or IPv6.  
 Well, there is compression.  And, the IETF usually does things at the network 
layer and above.
  7. Shouldn't IETF try to either use existing IEs, or explain the need for new 
ones?  It seems wrong to allocate new IE numbers in the IETF. In IEEE802.15.4e, 
the IEs space is divided into used, unmanaged, and reserved. But, The IEs 
defined in IEEE802.15.4e can not express the requirement of 6top. That is why 
we ask IEEE to assign us new IE(s).  What do you mean "existing IEs"?  
 Yes, this is exactly my point.  In the IEEE, we *do* want to satisfy the 
requirements for 6top.  I am involved with 802.15.LLC which has as its basic 
purpose to satisfy such requirements as may be determined by 6tisch.
 9. Are 65,000 offsets really needed?  65,000 channels??  Are applications 
going to request 256 cells from neighboring devices? It inherits from 
IEEE802.15.4, section to keep consistence with Link Information field. 
 Thanks.  I'll have to go express my amazement there :-)
  10. The concept of a container needs definition.  How is the length of a 
container known?  Is there any difference between "container" and 
"SFID-specific data"?  Unless it has some intuitive value, this seems like a 
misleading bit of terminology. Container is different from SFID. Container 
specifies the slotframe or chunk from which the cells are selected. We will 
clarify it in the next version.  
 Could you provide some intuition that favors the use of the word "container"?  
If it's a data structure containing slotframe information, that could be given 
a much more relevant name.  I could make some suggestions for that.
  11. It seems likely that on many devices, scheduling functions will not be 
callable at boot time.  Why not mandate that a scheduling function needs to 
describe some behavior when 6tisch launches? During the boot time, "minimal" 
will be used. See answer to question 2.  
 What if there are devices that do a lot of stuff and only launch 6tisch when 
data communications are needed?  Would they all be non-conformant?
 Charlie P.
     On Monday, October 26, 2015 8:24 PM, Charlie Perkins 
<charles.perk...@earthlink.net> wrote:
    Hello folks,
 I made a review of the draft.  Attached, please find my revision of the file 
that has a few editorial suggestions along with a rfcdiff output to make it  
easy to see what's changed.
 Here are some other questions and observations...
   - There is a strong need for non-local statistics, for instance flow 
   - Do 6top commands go across at scheduled times, or on the "minimal" channel 
   - Local measurements are prone to oscillation.
   - Shouldn't a retry facility be standardized?  That way you can specify 
binary exponential backoff, etc.   
   - Is there any movement towards use of PCE?  I was thinking about making a 
draft on that topic.
   - Is it possible to carry protocol messages carried over IP?  IPv6?
   - Shouldn't IETF try to either use existing IEs, or explain the need for new 
ones?  It seems wrong to allocate new IE numbers in the IETF.
   - In section 3.1.3, why are the OpCodes prefixed with IANA?  Why not 6TOP?
   - Are 65,000 offsets really needed?  65,000 channels??  Are applications 
going to request 256 cells from neighboring devices?
   - The concept of a container needs definition.  How is the length of a 
container known?  Is there any difference between "container" and 
"SFID-specific data"?  Unless it has some intuitive value, this seems like a 
misleading bit of terminology.   
   - It seems likely that on many devices, scheduling functions will not be 
callable at boot time.  Why not mandate that a scheduling function needs to 
describe some behavior when 6tisch launches?
   - Is it now the intention that a scheduling function includes monitoring and 
"actuation"?  Did the text for these sections get moved to a different draft?   
 In my attached revision, please check for instances of "CEP" for a few other 
  On 10/19/2015 8:19 PM, Xavier Vilajosana wrote:
      Dear all,  
  we have submitted a new version of the sublayer draft. 
  kind regards, Xavi 
  ------------- A new version of I-D, draft-wang-6tisch-6top-sublayer-03.txt
 has been successfully submitted by Thomas Watteyne and posted to the
 IETF repository.
 Name:           draft-wang-6tisch-6top-sublayer
 Revision:       03
 Title:          6TiSCH Operation Sublayer (6top)
 Document date:  2015-10-19
 Group:          Individual Submission
 Pages:          18
 Htmlized:       https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-wang-6tisch-6top-sublayer-03
    This document defines the 6TiSCH Operation Sublayer (6top), which
    offers mechanisms for distributed scheduling in 6TiSCH networks.  The
    6top sublayer is the next higher layer of the IEEE802.15.4e TSCH
    medium access control layer.  The 6top Protocol (6P) defined in this
    document allows neighbor nodes to add/delete TSCH cells to one
    another.  To be able to match different application requirements, the
    6top Scheduling Function (SF) decides when to add/delete cells.  The
    SF is left out of scope, and will be specified in one or more
    companion documents.
 Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
 until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.
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