Pascal Thubert (pthubert) <> wrote:
    >> I don't understand at all.  Would a PCE provide enrollment services?
    pt> [PT>] We are talking to a stateless CoAP proxy, giving an alias to a
    pt> service that it will map into the IP address of the server, here the
    pt> JRC.
    pt> I understood that this is an anycast name for the JRC, aimed to be
    pt> resolved by the proxy in a pseudo DNS fashion into the IP address of
    pt> the server. Do I have that wrong?

Not the case.
It's just a value for the CoAP Host "header"

    > If the proxy is used for only one service, arguable there is no need to
    > pass a string at all. If it is generic enough and used for more than
    > one service than we need something meaningful. I'm not sure which we
    > really want but fails either way.

    >> 2) There is never an IP address associated with, it's just
    >> something to put into the Host part of the CoAP.  Since we are talking
    >> to a Join Proxy, and the Join Proxy points to the JRC, we get the JRC.
    pt> [PT>] OK then you seem to be looking at a dedicated proxy; if so, why a
    pt> string at all?

Because CoAP header needs one, and the original name wasn't going to get past
the IESG.

    >> If we had something that wanted a PCE, what would it talk to get that?
    >> Wouldn't the node already have enrolled?
    >> How would it get the IP address of the PCE?
    > [PT>] The string could be a real DNS name. The question is whether the
    > instance of the proxy is dedicated to join or not... 

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
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