On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 4:15 AM, Yi DAI <plm....@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. We use Lf/Rt arrows to move the cursor, don't we? Then use Up/Dn to do
> the same kind of task is symmetric, and thus more reasonable.

This is the behavior of Acme-SAC, as I recall, so one would think such
a change should be easy to do (since it's already been done in the
inferno version).

That said, I hate that behavior; it's probably easy to fix but it's
one of the reasons I don't use Acme-SAC much.

If you go back in the archives, you'll find post by myself and others
about very similar things. These days, the only thing I might ask
would be Ctrl-P to bring back previous commands, simply because it can
be annoying scrolling all the way back up above very verbose output
(i.e. I screw up some complex command, read the man page, get to the
bottom, then don't want to go back to the top to find my command again
so I can fix it).

"Object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing" -- Rob Pike

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