On Tue Feb 22 12:57:18 EST 2011, rminn...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 5:45 PM, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
> > ah yes, that clears it up
> >
> >        19.4.22
> >        APICID
> >        This register uniquely identifies an APIC in the system. This 
> > register is not used by
> >        OS'es anymore and is still implemented in hardware because of FUD.
> >
> > (Intel® 5520 chipset and Intel® 5500 chipset datasheet pub 321328)
> Did intel claim that the OSes should be using ACPI? What do they use instead?
> ron
> p.s. I appreciate the humor but it does lead to a serious question.

afik, acpi has nothing to do with this problem.  i believe this particular
tech writer intends to claim that nobody uses physical addressing anymore.
but i believe bios still needs to use physical addressing before logical 
is established.  so i think the writer may be speaking a misleading half
of the whole story.

- erik

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