On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 9:31 AM, Kurt H Maier <kh...@intma.in> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 03, 2012 at 11:40:05AM -0400, erik quanstrom wrote:
>> does plan 9 run on any ultrabooks natively?  swapping within a vm?
>> my head hurts to think of it.
> Your head hurts to think that sometimes extra memory is needed?  On the
> VMs I host for people, I partition 256 MB of memory.  This is not enough
> to compile python, so you turn on swap before mk, then turn it off again
> when you're done.  Or not.  I'm not a cop.
> Either way, nobody has died yet, or even complained about headaches.
This is a good case for swap and i +1 charles's suggestion.

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