[abcusers] use of to embed text files

Wed, 01 Nov 2000 16:22:19 -0800

Long ago, (August 1999) I wrote:

>Probably, the conceptually correct way to embed abc in html 4.0 is by
>using  <OBJECT>. One would keep the raw abc in a separate file (which
>makes sense anyway). Then, in the html, one would use something like the
><OBJECT data="http://www.wherever.com/mytune.abc" type="text/plain">
>abc transcription of mytune
>One could also make use of the align, width, height, border, hspace,
>vspace attributes which are available for the <OBJECT> tag. The use of ">"
>and "<" within the abc file should be safe, I think.
>Has anyone tried this?

Several participants in abcusers responded at that time that they couldn't
get it to work on their browsers. Nor could I. (I speculated that browser
writers just weren't interested in ascii files as objects--not cool enough.)

I am happy to report that there is at least one browser which now works the
way it is supposed to. This is the "iCab" browser for Macintosh.
You can get it from http://www.icab.de/

You can keep the abc in a separate file, and ICab will embed it properly
within the web page in a scrollable text box with control of size, border,
etc. The use of "<" and ">" in the abc do not create problems.

(Oddly, this text object doesn't always display on "reload" in iCab. A bug,
I suppose.)

Possibly, other browsers now are beginning to work the way they are
supposed to.

If you want to try, there is a test file at:


Robert Bley-Vroman

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