Dave Barnert wrote, regarding the use of a .fmt file in abc2ps (or abc4mac):

>Please give me step-by-step including how to enter the -F in the
>command line and what to do with the " -o -O =" that's already
>there. I'm not asking you to design a new format file for me (I'll
>get the hang of that by playing with it) but to show me how to
>implement one.

1. Put the sample format file in a plain text file. Name it, say,


The file name must end in .fmt

2. Put the file trial.fmt in the same folder as the .abc file you wish to

3. In abc4mac, choose Command Line Options from the Preference menu. To the
default command line add:

  -F trial

Thus, assuming you aren't doing anything else special, you would have:

  -F trial -o -O =

Make sure that you use a capital F (not f) and that you omit the extension
.fmt in the command line.

(I'm using abc4mac 0.5. Later versions should support .fmt files too.
Earlier versions will not.)

Robert Bley-Vroman

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