Paul Rosen writes:
| UNICODE Advantage: Any character in any language can be displayed.
| UNICODE Disadvantage: Everyone using the structure needs to be UNICODE
| aware. Are there systems and computer languages that can't handle it?

There is one semi-exception: The UTF-8 encoding has the property that
7-bit  ASCII  is  unchanged.   So  a  dumb  program  that thinks it's
producing 7-bit ASCII is also producing valid UTF-8 text, and doesn't
actually need any enhancement.  If a file is 7-bit ASCII, you can add
a "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"  (or  the  equivalent  in
whatever markup you're using), and it'll be correct.

| That's why I was wondering if there should be some type of switch passed to
| the parser about whether to output UNICODE.

Good idea.  And it would be useful if the first line of an  ABC  file
(or  tune)  gave  both the version of ABC used and the character set.
Assuming UTF-8 by default might be a good idea.  Allowing the  syntax
"charset=XYZ" would be a good idea.

An ongoing problem, of course, is that when programmers  try  reading
up  on  unicode,  most of the things they read cause them to throw up
their hands and decide to wait a few  more  years  until  it  becomes
something  that a merely-human programmer can actually understand and
maybe even use sanely.

I don't think this was the intent of the unicode crowd, and  I  don't
think  that  unicode  is actually all that complicated.  But a lot of
people can take a simple idea and describe it  in  a  way  that  it's
wonderfully complex and incomprehensible.

(My favorite musical example is to  inject  the  phrase  "transposing
instrument"  into a discussion, and watch gleefully as the discussion
breaks down into a hopeless muddle of people talking past each  other
in terms that nobody can quite understand.  ;-)

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