Hi Rajani,
I support your views and observation.
Any person, as I think, has his own stile and way to communicate and interact 
with the people. My opinion may be wrong or change in the vision of some people 
but not the fact that good communication always requires good term, good words 
and good language. Your word, your language represents your internal thoughts, 
what is your mentality, what is there in your mind and heart. I know we are not 
able to see from our eyes or some of us may like to call it we are blind but if 
you are expert of Hindi then must be knowing that blind means Anddha and anddha 
means full of darkness, person with lack of wisdom. I also don’t have any 
hesitation to state that Anddha word given in any Hindi book is not good or 
elegant. Drishti Heen is the right word. For those who favor blind or Anddha 
word, would like to ask do you have sight problem or have lack of wisdom. Your 
answer: lack of sight. Then what is the need to use blind or Anddha word. Smile!
I don’t disagree the statement of World Blind union but we need to change 
ourselves in better term as they indicate, then what is the harm using Visually 
Challenge word. The time is running very fast, things are changing time to time 
and in this scenario, modification of the words seems necessary. Its matter of 
communication, dear friends.
If you’ve got to address some people from the stage, there are some beggars 
sitting in the crowd, will you like to address them by using the word beggar? I 
don’t feel any civilized person will like to do so.
Another instance:  I don’t wish to take the name of the Prime Minister, exact 
date I don’t have remember but there was a Prime Minister of India in late 
nineties who used the words in Hindi “aur hamare bhangi bhai” in his address to 
the nation from Lal Kila on the occasion of Independent day.
He was addressing people of STSC and OBC. This Prime Minister was criticized by 
the people and then ultimately he apologized for the term and words he used. So 
our words and language make the difference.
Everyone likes to speak good, listen good, and more over every human being 
wants to do good in his life. Am not emphatically saying that we are bounded to 
not to use the blind word, it is upto our own choice but don’t see any 
disadvantage in using the word visually Challenge Too.
When we discuss about communication, it is recommended that we should try to 
use refined and good words in terms of politeness. The question is not only 
about blindness or blind word, the matter is more about how one should 
communicate and present about sightlessness in the society.
If there is a person in your office who is your boss or senior to you, in 
Hindi, can you call him tu? Instead of aap? In English, won’t you like to call 
him sir in his respect?
Similarly, can a teacher in our class or father at our home be addressed tu 
instead of aap in Hindi? No never.
My only concern about using the respectful term ether its matter of blind, 
Visually Challenge words or any communication what so ever.
In communication, I see the necessaty of being more litteral with being 
Some of us are saying that we should not have any problem accepting the fact we 
are visually impaired, I agree, but I have wondered how come the fact that we 
are visually disabled gets change if we use the word Visually Challenge.
Can't say about others but I see beauty of the life in the beautiful words.-- 


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Quoting Rajani G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Dear members,
> I hope many of you on the list agree with me that it is better that
> we
> atleast do not or stop using the word Blind and start using
> visually
> challenged in our conversation.  I feel the phrase is more polite
> and
> doesnot hurt the feelings who are visually challenged.
> let us try to use it in our communication.
> Rajani
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