Thanks a lot for the conformation.
We can go ahead with the idea.
I request one of the members who is interested in assuming charge to
create a community with the said name. The only disadvantage which
orkut has in this regard is that it requires the user to identify an
image to determine whether he/she is a real person or not. So the help
of a sighted person will be needed.
Do let us know when the community does come up.

Message: 4
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 07:20:46 +0530
From: "Harish Kotian" <

Subject: [AI] Orkut group
To: <

Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Hello Friends

Some days back there was a discussion here to have a group at Orkut
with the name of AccessIndia.

I had refered it to Kiran seeking his comments on the matter.

I have now recieved his mail in which he expresses his opinion.

He is not happy to have the group to be called just accessIndia. He
does not mind if it is called AccessIndiaMembers or something like



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