Blind persons like us can't remain without Braille. A few years ago, there was 
technology of solid dot Braille printing which was followed in England. The 
reason I mentioned that technology is that it required very thin papers and 
were produced in such a manner that with nails, you could have erased those 
but I saw a volume  which was 266-page long. I don't think 266-page-long volume 
can't be printed in ordinary Braille.  Why can't we use this technology here in 
a.p. Singh
mobile +919466171532
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Amit Bhatt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] your thoughts on braille

> Dear Subramani,
> You have chosen a very relevant topic for your News paper and I am also
> thankful to Mr. Varadarajan from the core of my heart for his positive views
> on usage of Braille at present time.
> Well Braille has lot of values for a Visually Challenged person but I would
> like to say something on 2 3 points in favor of this script. Only the thing
> witch goes against Braille is that the Books are so bulky to keep and carry
> in the bag for long period, Braille is however as important for us as the
> printed books are important for  sighted people.
> I am personally  not persuade by the statement saying that advance
> technology and Computer has made the Braille slightly inconsequential in
> use.
> It is just matter of your thoughts and views that how important you feel
> Braille is in your life. The Computer technology is also there for sighted
> people. Never the less, they have not decreased the status and use of print
> for their reading/writing.
> Beside my above cited views, I would like to share my experience and
> recommendations on the following points.
>  1.. If you have a long hour program to present on Radio/TV then you'll
> surely require material to be written on Brail and the broadcaster needs to
> be perfect in reading Brail. In this particular area, Brail is far better
> than using Computer since it would not be possible to listen from Computer
> and present the program simultaneously. One cannot remember each and every
> script to say on Radio. At least we have to make proper points of the script
> and for that purpose Brail is the best option to my mind.
> Earlier I used to broadcast my reports on sports events in Hindi through All
> India Radio where I did record some interviews through recorder but I inured
> to note down the score and the name of players on Brail only. Regardless to
> say that it is not an idea to listen the score first and then speak on Radio
> where you have to speak with fluency and without any unnecessary gap.
>  2.. I will never recommend reading or listening language subjects like
> English and Hindi through audio books or Computer since this medium will not
> help us in enhancing our spellings, reading/writing skills, punctuation and
> other writing arts. To learn the correct spellings and writing arts, brail
> is an only option for a Visually Challenged person.
> Warm regards,
> Amit Bhatt
> (MIS Analyst - Operation)
> Far Horizon Tours Pvt. Ltd. India
> Voice: +91-129-409-8000, Ext. 093 | Fax: +91-129-409-8098
> Direct: +91-986-820-1812
> "Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a progress, working
> together is a success:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 12:32 PM
> Subject: [AI] your thoughts on braille
>> Folks:
>> Appologies for the lengthy mail.
>> A couple of weeks from now 'Sahana', a trust in Bangalore is holding its
>> workshop to emphasise the importance of using Braille by the visually
>> challenged, despite widespread availability of technology. I thought
>> this could be a right occasion to write (in my newspaper) about how
>> Braille teaching/learning and its wider use is fairing against the
>> increasing number of accessible technology/devices. In this regard I
>> would like you all to share your opinions or personal experience on
>> Braille learning or use in your daily lives. Giving a few pointer below
>> for you all to think. I request you to contribute to this topic with
>> relevant and thought provoking messages, both for and against Braille.
>> -The trustee Mr Varadarajan with whom I spoke, doesn't dismiss the
>> prominent role technology is playing in making the VC employable and
>> compete with others in the mainstream. But, he feels in the excitement
>> created by computer/technology, promotion and retention of Braille as
>> the primary medium of reading/writing for the VCs has been ignored or
>> given second preference at best.  Who is responsible for this? Do you
>> think trainers neglect Braille or do you think the urgency they need to
>> show in getting employment for the VCs justifies any neglect they may
>> show towards Braille?
>> -Though people like Mr Varadarajan have been stressing the importance of
>> learning Braille, the wide ranging application of technology has
>> virtually eliminated the need for the VCs to go through the pains of
>> learning, or, writing in Braille. This, in many ways, is comparable to
>> the so-called art of letter writing which is almost extinct thanks to
>> PCs, laptops and mobilephones. So, do you think it is pratcial for the
>> VCs to adopt to technology at the expense of Braille?
>> -Of course, the fact remains that Braille is still relevant for 90 or
>> more percent of VCs who have virtually no access to computer. But, given
>> that NGOs and training institutes have started to address the access
>> problem and, hopefully, in a few years time almost all VCs will have
>> access, do you think Braille can be consigned safely to the museum?
>> -There are also attempts to incorporate Braille in technologies with the
>> advent of refreshable Braille systems, Braille keyboards and output
>> devices. Given that this would still restrict communication only between
>> the VCs and will not fully help interaction with others in the
>> mainstream, can we still look Braille as the most relevant medium for
>> us? (Please feel free to contribute your own views independent of these
>> points)
>> Regards,
>> Subramani
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