Dear Access Indians,

The efforts need to be supported by all the disabled community.
Lets hope our Honorable PM may pay attention and consider this representation.
With Regards
Amruth Reddy
Differently Abled Employees Action Committee, AP, Hyd.

From: Srinivasu Chakravarthula <>
Sent: Tue, 8 March, 2011 2:48:26 PM

Dear Access Indians,
Just thought of sharing. Hope there will be a good response from the


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Secretariat - NCPEDP <>
Date: Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 12:25 PM

Dear Srinivasu,

Reference your E-mail requesting a copy of the letter sent by Mr. Abidi to
the Prime Minister. Please find below the same in an E-mail format. Do let
me know, if this is okay.



National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP)
A -77, South Extension Part II
New Delhi - 110 049, India
Tel.: 91-11-26265647 / 26265648
Websites: and


*Respected Sir,*

*The Union Budget was a huge disappointment for us, the 70 million disabled
citizens of India.* And for not one but several reasons:

*1: Year 2011-2012 will be the last year of the current XIth Five Year Plan.
We had sincerely hoped that funds would be earmarked for the National
Institute of Universal Design.* In the last Budget, funds were sanctioned
for the Sign Language Research and Training Centre but this had got left
out. We were told that this was due to the lack of resources and we were
promised that “next year” and before the XIth Plan runs out, this Institute
will also be sanctioned.

The Disability Act has been there for the last 15 years but the less said
about accessibility the better. 98% of the constructions (post 1995) are
built in an inaccessible manner. Even the 2% which are supposed to be
accessible are not so due to the lack of awareness and expertise.

When I had served on the Steering Committee of the Planning Commission to
draft the disability component of the XIth Five Year Plan, we had envisioned
this Institute with the hope that once set up, it would serve as a centre of
excellence on the issue of accessibility and universal design. Ideally, it
should have been sanctioned in the very first year itself but it was not! We
have followed up on this year after year after year with the PMO as well as
the Urban Development Ministry but with no fruitful outcome.

*The setting up of the National Institute of Universal Design is a solemn
promise made to the disabled people of India by the Planning Commission
under your Chairership. Sir, please ensure that it is fulfilled this year.*

*2: The National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral
Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities was set up in 1999. By
and large, it has failed in its mandate. Pre 1999, parents of children with
severe disabilities were asking “what will happen to our children after
us?”. A dozen years have gone by, but the question remains unresolved. Poor
leadership apart, one major reason for nothing substantial to have happened
is the lack of resources.*

*The National Trust was set up with a Corpus of 100 crores. Believe it or
not, Sir, 12 years have gone by but the Corpus stands as it is. It seems
that in the eye of your Government, especially MSJE, this particular
Institution is immune to inflation!* The Trust operates its various schemes
from the interest that it earns from its Corpus, say about Rs. 8-9 or
maximum Rs. 10 crores per annum. That was the budget in 1999-2000 when it
was set up. That remains its budget even over a decade later in 2010-2011
and now, thanks to Hon’ble Finance Minister’s oversight, it will remain the
same this F.Y. also.

*Sir, Hon’ble Finance Minister is quite fond of the figure 300 and he
admitted so much during the Budget speech. I request you, Sir, to please
impress upon him to sanction an additional Rs. 300 crores during this F.Y.
to the Corpus of the National Trust. Now, it is all the more necessary
because under the new scheme of things, the mandate of the Trust is going to
be expanded to include several other disabilities which also have High
Support Needs.*

An additional Rs. 300 crores would do wonders to this organisation meant for
the most marginalised and the most severely disabled citizens of India.

*3: Hon’ble Finance Minister has been very generous in taking up the Income
Tax exemption limit for ‘Very Senior Citizens’.* It is a good step because
with advancing age, older people do need that extra care and protection.
Their expenses on medical care, the need for an attendant, etc. go up.
Therefore, if they are given some relief from taxation, they can use that
extra money to fund their extra needs that develop due to the old/very old

*Sir, I wish the Hon’ble Finance Minister would have not forgotten about the
needs of people with disabilities, particularly people with severe

*It would not require a very long argument to prove that the needs of a
disabled person (especially those 80% and above) are any day greater, much
greater than a say 80 or 85 year old senior citizen. The need for full time
carers, the astronomical amounts spent on medicines and rehabilitation.*

*We request you, Sir, to please ask the Hon’ble Finance Minister to be
empathetic to the cause of disabled people also and to extend the same tax
exemption (of Income upto Rs. 5 lakh) to people with disabilities also. And
needless to say, the same concession should also be available to the parents
of a dependent disabled child or disabled person, especially in the case of
parents of children/people with psychosocial and intellectual and
developmental disabilities.*

*4: The 5% service tax on health care has already drawn adverse reaction
from across sections of Civil Society.* I was quite impressed / touched that
even those who are in the health care business have spoken out and even
published advertisements in newspapers to oppose the tax. They had/have no
reason to worry because obviously the additional 5% burden will get passed
on to the patients and their families. Their business will continue to

*If there is one section of the society who will be the most impacted, it
would be people with disabilities.* Again, it would not require a very long
argument to establish that most disabled people have serious health care
needs. At most times, those needs are not fulfilled within the existing
public health system and therefore, per force, a disabled person has to go
to a doctor or a rehab professional at one of those “air conditioned”
hospitals or clinics.

Sir, I can share with you my own personal experience. As you know I am
severely disabled and confined to a wheelchair. I have serious health needs
and on an average, I have to go and meet one or the other doctor almost
every month or two. I can tell you honestly that when one goes to see a
doctor, it is not out of any choice (as if one is going to a movie theatre
or a shopping mall!) but out of compulsion. It is not some kind of a
luxurious, joyful expedition that needs to be punished or penalised by way
of an additional Tax! On the contrary, it is a worrisome sometimes painful
experience, already heavy on the pocket and certainly, it should not be
aggravated further by adding that 5% burden.

Sir, is it not a fact that our public health system is in bad shape and
majority of good/reputed doctors are now in the private sphere, operating
out of those “air conditioned” hospitals. So, in my case, if Dr. Anoop
Mishra or Dr. Ravi Bhatia or Dr. Rakesh Tandon (all earlier with AIIMS, just
to illustrate my point) are now with Fortis, Apollo and Max Saket
respectively, what choice do I as an average Indian citizen have? If I still
want to be under their care, why should I be punished with an extra 5%
Service Tax??

That way, even the Indian Spinal Injuries Centre (ISIC) the *only* hospital
in India that excels in the area of spinal cord injuries is an air
conditioned facility! So that too, where all the poor people go in the case
of traumatic accidents from all across India, will now come under the 5% tax

*Sir, I appeal to you to please convince the Hon’ble Finance Minister to NOT
levy this extra tax on health care and to please withdraw/drop this proposal
from the Union Budget of 2011-2012.*

Thanking you and with the highest regards,

*Javed Abidi*

*Convenor, Disabled Rights Group (DRG)*


Best regards,

Srinivasu Chakravarthula
Mobile: +91 990 081 0881
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