On 8/31/17 19:25, Stephen Farrell wrote:
I really like the idea that the acme WG aims to figure out a way to enable people at home to use https with their home n/w routers.

I'm not at all sure that a DNS-based approach here will cut the mustard, though it's a not-bad plan to define one in any case.

I'd love that we chat about this topic involving folks from the acme and homenet WGs, as it seems those are the sets of IETF folks who might be most relevant for the discussion.

There was some musing at the W3C TPAC in Lisbon last year on this topic. The tricky part is figuring out what kind of model makes sense for the certs at all. I suspect we'd need to come to some agreement on that issue before trying to work out how ACME can be used to issue them. There's some background reading at <https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2016/session-https-local-summary>, mostly in the form of slide decks.


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