Well it's me again.  Just letting everyone know that I have simple audio working.  I just did the following session:

from adonthell import audio
a = audio.sound("/opt/ut2004/Music/KR-Ghosts-of-Anubis.ogg")
b = audio.sound("/usr/share/gcompris/boards/sounds/level.ogg")

Right now I'm starting to look at how to integrate this better with the rest of the code.  For example, I know we don't want to be passing full path names to load sounds.  I think there is enough examples to pull from that I should be able to figure this out on my own.  But I do have a couple questions. 

One, I want to make sure that the end audio API is consistent with the "vision" (TM).  I've looked through the wiki and some of the other documentation and I haven't found anything specific.  So what I'm heading towards is an API that let's you control playing/manipulating sounds.  Basically the low-level stuff you would need to implement some of the other ideas that are around.  Right now I'm envisioning something similar to above, with a few added pieces.  (event at the end of a sound, positional location, and a caching mechanism come to mind)  Am I already way off track?

Two, I started adding an way to hook to an event on the end of the sound.  I found to base event classes.  one in event/event.h and one in input/event.h.  I wasn't sure if I was supposed to use the one in event, or do the same thing input does and create my own event base class.

All for now,
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