On 3/12/06, Andrew Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In working out the rules on materials and the list of armors
> available, I've more or less assumed that armour rating is cumulative.
> This may introduce some unrealities, but I can't think of a way to fix
> that without getting too complex too soon
> For example, if the character is wearing heavy leather boots (armour
> 4), heavy leather gloves (armour 4) and a leather cap (cumulative
> armour 4+4+3=11) and her enemy is carrying a wooden buckler (armour 6)
> and wearing a un-improved leather vest (armour 5, cumulative armour
> rating of 11), with equivalent weapons, they have an equal chance of
> hitting and hurting one another.

The simplest solution to the problem might be to introduce a certain
weight to the different armour parts and thus take armour into account
that basically isn't there ...

For the example above, you could have something like

boots:   0.1
gloves:  0.2
helmet:  0.2
vest:     0.6
shield:   0.5

This would give something like (0.4 + 0.8 + 0.6) = 1.8 vs. (3.0 + 3.0)
= 6.0. This could further be normalized by division by 1.6 (assuming
that this is the cumulative weight of all existing armour parts.) It
makes things a little more complicated, but it's still much easier
than directing attacks against individual body parts.


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