On 3/15/06, Andrew Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What role will factions play in the game? Will they determine what
characters are able to learn and what items they can use?

At least where learning is concerned, I would not introduce any hard
restrictions. Maybe a character cannot join a faction unless he has a
certain rank in certain skills, but he still should be able to improve
whatever skills he wants. Teachers for faction-related skills would be
more readily available to faction-members, however, so it would be
much easier to improve those skills.

We would need no special code in the rules system for that, it could
all be handled within dialogues, where faction-membership would open
up certain options.

As to the items that become usable or not, I guess we can implement
that more or less easily, along with other factors that limit item
usability, like alignment, strength, etc ...


> The joinable factions we've created for DB give something of a rough
> outline of this:
> Alchemist:
> Witch:
> The key abilities for these classes are mystical
> Ranger
> Thief:
> Thieves cannot equip heavy armours and retain their move silent abilities.
> Monk: Monks who were not previously of another class cannot use
> shields. Monks cannot equip heavy or metallic armours.
> Fighter:
> The key abilities for these classes is Combat Feats: Melee, Ranged,
> Armour, Shield, Body Control

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